Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Week 4 - Tuesday - Energy Literacy Posters

To demonstrate their knowledge of energy literacy, the students have produced posters.  These posters serve as a visual demonstration of the students' learning.

The day began with the students working through the poster writing prompt worksheet.  Each student was asked to include the following on their poster:
1. The definition of energy,
2. A paragraph regarding the importance of knowing about the different energy sources (renewable and non-renewable),
3. A paragraph that describes the different renewable energy sources,
4. A paragraph about why using energy from renewable sources is important,
5. A map of one of the energy-related sites that was visited (Southern California Edison, Wind Farm, JPL, and the Seven Oaks Dam) and a paragraph about why you picked this site, and
6. A paragraph regarding their favorite energy activity.

The students typed their text and selected images to go with that text. 

The last step was to position the text and images in an attractive and informative fashion.  These items were then glued into place.

Shown below is a collection of the finished posters.

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