Wednesday, June 6, 2012

My capstone proposal

If you read my previous post, you know that my topic is Energy Literacy.  You also know that I am a Masters student at American Public University (  To finish out my degree, I have elected the creative project option.

The purpose of my creative project is to present an educational pathway that is designed to promote an increase in energy literacy. Energy literacy, as defined by the United States Department of Energy (DOE) (2012, p. 4), is an "understanding of the nature and role of energy in the universe, and in our lives." With a greater understanding of energy, individuals should be able to use this knowledge to make informed decisions regarding energy sources and usage, as well as use this knowledge to solve problems (DOE, 2012).

Project Study Group:
Those participants in this project are California foster care youth (ages 12-17) who are served by a University of Redlands grant.  Approximately 30-35 youth will participate in the Summer Success Academy at the University of Redlands.

Project Activities: 
The activities for this creative project will include the following:
1. Pre-assessment of energy knowledge (electronic version of the attached survey);
2. Lesson about energy, sources of energy, and usage (including a survey of energy usage and a game regarding energy choices;
3. Lesson specifically covering renewable energy sources;
4. Site visits to a wind farm, solar farm, and a hydro-electric dam;
5. Hands-on GIS lab where the students map potential renewable energy locations (particularly wind and solar);
6. Hands-on lab where students build (from kits) a working wind turbine, a solar car, and a hydro turbine;
7. Lesson regarding employment in the renewable energy field (with guest representatives from a solar contractor and our local power company, Southern California Edison); and
8. Post-assessment of energy knowledge (repeat of the pre-assessment).

Project Outcomes:
The outcome of this creative project will include an instructional unit that is scalable to fit different grade levels. Purchasing details regarding wind turbine, solar circuit, and hydro turbine educations kits will be developed as a teacher resource. Lastly, a GIS exercise that makes use of a free, easily accessible web-based mapping tool will be supplied.

The outcomes of this project will serve as a reference for other educators who seek a way to increase energy literacy in others. It is recognized, though, that knowledge, while powerful, does not necessarily illicit a change in attitude and/or behavior. This creative project proposes the use of experiential learning activities as the primary avenue for promoting these desired changes.

Project advisor:
Dr. Jason Siniscalchi

On-ground advisor:
Dr. Carol Franklin
U.S. Department of Energy. (2012).
Energy Literacy: Essential principles and fundamental concepts for energy education. Retrieved from

Full project proposal can be view on-line at:

Please see the next post where I will share how I got started with the idea of energy literacy.

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